About the Hunter Sales School

The Hunter sales school all started because of my mom. Not just because she raised me and gave me life; it all happened because I found out she had taken on a sales role in her late 60s. I asked her if I could teach her how to sell like I had been teaching people how to sell over my career. I took all of the knowledge that I gained over my career and put it into a six week course for my mom. It transformed her results so dramatically that I knew I needed to take this to others. I started teaching others the same timeless principles of influence, systems and strategies, how to listen, and how to make win-win situations. I have seen it change the lives of many for the better. Now it is time to see it change your life for the better. What are you waiting for?

Have you ever wanted to get into sales, but decided you couldn’t because you’re not a natural born salesperson? Or do you have a product that can help change the world but people are not lining up to buy it yet?

Here are a few of the different kinds of people that enroll in the Hunter Sales School.

  1. Sales professionals who want to get better at their craft. The principles in this course will help you sharpen the saw.

  2. Entrepreneurs who have a killer product that they are very passionate about, know forwards and backwards, but have never learned how to sell. We help them.

  3. Curious people. Some of the folks who join the Hunter Sales School are simply curious and want to learn the art of sales. This is a great place for you too.

Sample Curriculum

Not all questions are created equal. In the United States of America we love to have conversations of surface level questions. We ask questions like, “how was your weekend?” “what did you do last night?” “Did you see that episode last night?” We feel very comfortable here and we are totally okay staying here. Usually there are a handful of people that we get a little bit deeper with. These people ask about our problems, they ask about the consequences of those problems, and as they asked us those questions we feel like they really care about us. We feel heard. The next time you’re with someone, after you ask a service level question, ask another that is just below the surface. For example, “How was your weekend?”

When they reply to their weekend was good, ask them, “what about your weekend made a good?”

Now you’ve gone just below the surface, and there is a lot more to unpack, but you can quickly see there is a lot more to learn outside of their weekend being “good”

We will cover a lot more about questions in lesson two.

Ready to learn more?

Reach out to set up an introduction call with the Hunter Sales School and learn more about our coursework.